February 28, 2024 the4d

AODA Compliance: How Up-to-Date Is Your Business?

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) was introduced to create a more inclusive Ontario by identifying, removing and preventing barriers for persons with disabilities. The AODA covers many areas, including customer service, employment, transportation, and communication. With the rise of online businesses and digital interactions, it has become increasingly important to ensure that digital assets are AODA compliant.

AODA compliance for digital assets means ensuring that websites, apps, and other digital products are accessible to people with disabilities. This includes making sure that website content is available in alternative formats such as text-only or audio descriptions, providing captions for videos, and ensuring that the website is navigable using a keyboard. Online businesses must also ensure that online purchasing and payment systems are accessible to people with disabilities.

There are many benefits to ensuring that websites are AODA compliant. First, it ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to information and services, which is essential for creating an inclusive society. Second, it helps businesses reach a wider customer base. By making their website accessible, businesses can cater to the needs of people with disabilities who may not have been able to access their products or services before. Third, AODA compliance is a legal requirement in Ontario, and businesses that fail to comply can face penalties and fines.

To ensure online AODA compliance, businesses can follow the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 or 2.1, which are widely recognized as the international standard for web accessibility. This includes designing websites and digital products in a way that is accessible to people with disabilities, such as using descriptive text for images, providing closed captions for videos, and making sure that website navigation is keyboard accessible.

In conclusion, AODA compliance for digital assets is essential for businesses operating in Ontario. Ensuring that websites and digital products are accessible to people with disabilities is not only a legal requirement, but also a moral imperative and good for business.

By following the WCAG guidelines and ensuring that digital assets are designed with accessibility in mind, businesses can provide equal access and opportunity to people with disabilities and reach a wider customer base.

Want to know if your digital assets are AODA compliant? Contact 4D to find out about our AODA audit and remediation services. 

At 4D, we’re dedicated to empowering businesses with comprehensive technology solutions that drive efficiency and innovation. Connect with us today to discuss how our expertise can align with your specific needs. Ensuring your technology strategy supports your business goals is our top priority.

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